Nastaran Tebyanian
Nastaran Tebyanian is a Ph.D. student in Architecture (with a focus on landscape architecture) at Penn State. She received her bachelor’s from the Art University of Isfahan in Architecture and her professional master’s in landscape architecture (MLA) from Shahid Beheshti University in Iran. She also received her research-based master’s in landscape architecture (MSLA) from Penn State. Currently, she pursues a concurrent master’s degree in applied statistics. She has worked on several interdisciplinary projects from the regional assessment of cultural and natural resources in the Appalachian region to the evaluation of community-engaged study abroad programs. She identifies herself as a complexity enthusiast and she is passionate about bringing the power of data science to environmental and urban planning and design problems. Her dissertation is on the role of green infrastructure in the resilience of urban food-energy-water nexus. Currently, she is working as a research collaborator for two projects: 1) Penn State Initiative for Resilient Communities (PSIRC): A Pilot to Develop Community-Based Solutions to Riverine Flooding 2) Developing a computational planting design and decision-making tool for assessing and predicting pollinator habitat resilience.