Susan Kotikot

Susan Kotikot (Photo)

Susan Kotikot

Susan Kotikot has a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Planning and Management from Kenyatta University in Kenya and a master’s degree in Earth System Science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Previously, she has worked as a remote sensing technician performing land use and land cover mapping tasks with the Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development in Kenya, graduate assistant working on geospatial analysis and climate related impacts on agriculture with SERVIR and, research associate working on geospatial analysis of climate change impacts on critical infrastructure and natural disasters resilience at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She begins her PhD studies in Geography in the Fall of 2019. Her general interests are in climate change, landscape dynamics, agro-ecosystems, remote sensing and GIS data and methods. Her graduate research will potentially focus on agro-ecosystem dynamics resulting from climate change and implications on ecosystem health and impacts on water and forest resources and food security.