Marina Howarth

Marina Howarth (Photo)

Marina Howarth

Marina Howarth is a first year MS student in Water Resource Engineering, with a Biogeochemistry minor. She has a BA from Smith College in Environmental Science & Policy, with an Engineering minor, and participated in an NSF-REU studying mangrove evapotranspiration following a hurricane disturbance. Her research interests are in sea-level rise and the impact of saltwater intrusion on the food-energy-water nexus, with her current research projects focusing in the Everglades, FL. She has spent the last few years working for nonprofits in environmental education and social justice; as the Science & Education Coordinator for Discover Cayuga Lake and as an Urban 4-H Educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension TC. Marina is also an At-Large voting member on the Tompkins County Water Resources Council and a Board of Directors member for the Community Science Institute, another local nonprofit and a NYS certified water quality testing lab.